Monday, May 2, 2016

Peer Review 15 for Nick Hernandez

What's Nick up to?

In this blog we are going to be looking at Nick's QRG.

The Preliminary Stuff

So we are peer reviewing Nick Hernandez's QRG called What a Year it Has Been which can be found here.

In this I will be suggesting a form edit for his QRG.

Down to Business!

1. I helped Nick with his feedback by explaining the hyperlink issue. He had some facts that needed referencing in order to deem Nick as a credible source. I think this will give him the last bit of form he needs on his QRG to put his work over the top.

2. I incorporated the organization aspect into Nick's review. I basically told him that he should shift around the images to give it more of QRG look than a collage kind of look. I think this will help him get even more points in the form category.

3. I admired Nick's style of QRG. He spent a lot of time actually giving his QRG a fun kind of look that makes it warming and easy to read. It's always tough to make everything you do look nice, but I think Nick nailed it on this one. I will definitely be incorporating this into my future works over the next few years.

Editorial Report 15b

What's up?

This blog will be comprised of changing my Outro!

The original

This semester has been very interesting to say the least. Not only have I grown as a student, but I’ve grown as an individual in all aspects of my life. The skills I’ve learned from this class will help guide me through all future classes here at the U of A, and beyond my college experience.

The New

This semester has been very interesting to say the least. Not only have I grown as a student, but I’ve grown as an individual in all aspects of my life. The skills I’ve learned from this class will help guide me through all future classes here at the U of A, and beyond my college experience. I can be sure that if the going ever gets tough, I can just take a deep breath and know that I can accomplish any task thrown my way, as I have proven this semester. This class truly changed me as a person, and has proven that deep down there was better writer inside me than I originally thought. On that note, thank you English 109 and Sean Bottai for a great year, and for helping me transform into a better and more efficient version of myself.

The Questions!

1. I added much more reflection into my adapted version of my rough cut. I actually described more than just stated and really concluded the entire video in this section. Rather than stating the video was over, I made sure it was known that it was concluding.

2. I added pictures and sound to the video which concluded the video along with a credits page for form. I made it visually appealing and did a credits esque kind of ending for the Video essay.

Editorial Report 15a

What's up?

This blog is designed to show the change in my intro!

The original

The Semester is coming to an end, and now it’s time to reflect on the year. 2016 has been a time of highs and lows with many valuable lessons that have been learned. I can show how I have bettered my skills pertaining to time management, personal care, and adapting to new writing scenarios.

The New One

The Semester is coming to an end, and now it’s time to reflect on the year. 2016 has been a time of highs and lows with many valuable lessons that have been learned. This semester I have grown so much as not only a student, but as an individual overall and built many skills that had never been taught in classes prior to English 109. The English 109 curriculum has improved my skills as a writer, student, and future business professional tremendously, both in and outside of the class room. By reviewing previous projects from the semester, I can show how I have bettered my skills pertaining to time management, personal care, and adapting to new writing scenarios.

The Questions

1. The original intro featured less commentary than my new intro does. Now I actually introduce my year and how it went rather than awkwardly cutting it short without a thesis paragraph so I think the audience will enjoy that.

2. The form improved tremendously. For starters I added more content and I added videos and pictures compared to it being a black screen. So now I have a little elaboration on the words of the essay visually and phonetically. 

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

The Last Project

This blog will include a link to my final project of the class and what you should look for. Enjoy!

Link to Project

Click here to view my project.

What you should know about my project

1. I'd like the viewers to know that I put a lot of time into the content section of this project and that I had a lot of fun with the form of the project. My goal was to keep the audience visually engaged and I'd love feedback on how that worked out!

2. Weaknesses with my project would be the flow of the video. I hope that it all flows well together and doesn't appear too choppy. I would have added better picture transitions if I could have but I was short for time on this project.

3. Strengths of this are definitely the reflection  itself. I truly learned a lot this year and had a lot to share with my viewers. Thanks for watching and have a great rest of your Summer!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Nick Hernandez

Let's see what Nick's got!

This post is dedicated as a review for Nick's QRG!

Let's begin

Nick Hernandez's QRG is named English 109 in a page and can be found here.

I will be doing a form suggestion for Nick's project.

Down to the important stuff

1. I made Nick's work better by offering suggestions that will improve how his QRG looks and how it flows overall. I think by adding my form suggestions, Nick will be able to create an elegant QRG that really grasps the idea of what a QRG is actually meant to be. Right now it's just an outline, but he has a ton of great content to work with.

2. I incorporated the organization factor into Nick's essay because I highlighted the white space idea which is huge for organization. I think this will make Nick's essay visually appealing and will increase the effectiveness of his QRG.

3. I admired the overall fluidity of Nick's QRG outline. He had some sound ideas and it seemed to flow very well. I think I need to incorporate this aspect into my video essay, as fluidity is super key to the effectiveness of my essay. In the end I think anyone can take this away from Nick's current outline.

Production 8b

How's the raw content?

In this blog post I'm going to show a rough cut of my Video Essay and compare it to the outline that I created last week.

From the Outline

Here's a section of the conclusion part of the outline that I'll be showing an adaptation to:

"Here I plan to recap all of the points that I've discussed and to really show how I changed this semester. I plan to also discuss how I will use these changes in my future endeavors as a college student, and in the working world as well. Then I'll sign off in the video essay."

Access to raw content

Here's the adapted part of my outline that is now my rough cut conclusion paragraph:

This semester has been interesting to say the least. Not only have I grown as a student, but I’ve grown as an individual as well. The skills I’ve learned truly compliment keys to success that exist in the world. The skills I’ve learned will serve me well in my future tasks, through college and beyond. This semester has shaped me to be operate better in an ever-changing environment that the world exists in today.

Audience Questions

1. For my conclusion I need to add some very catchy outro music and leave the audience on a good note. I need to wrap up how I've grown all together from this class and how my skills have improved as a whole. The conventions need to give my audience a warm feeling and a sense of feeling complete. I think if the music blends and I end on a good note, then it'll be very effective.

2. There definitely weren't as many hiccups in the concluding paragraph as there were in my introduction paragraph. Since this is basically restating my main ideas, I didn't have too much trouble with it. The only issue I had was trying to send the audience off on a deeper level, rather than just cutting the essay short and saying "okay you can leave now." I tried to make the ending powerful, but I think I can do a better job of it once I edit the rough cut.

Production 8a

How's the raw content?

In this blog post I'm going to show a rough cut of the script of my video essay and compare it to the outline.

From the Outline

Here's a section of the introduction part of the outline that I'll be showing an adaptation to (the intro):

"Here I plan on introducing the struggles and events that I've gone through in this class over the semester. I want to be as brutally honest in this project in order to show how I've grown throughout this semester as a writer."

Access to raw content

Here's the adapted part of my outline that is now my rough cut intro paragraph:

"The Semester is coming to an end, and now it’s time to reflect on the year. 2016 has been a year of many highs and many lows with many valuable lessons that have been learned. As a student in the English 109H curriculum, my skills as a writer, student, and future business professional have improved tremendously. By scanning through previous works from the semester, I’m able to see how I have grown in skills pertaining to time management, personal care, and adapting to new writing scenarios."

Audience Questions

1. I can't really critique my form just yet, as that will be an important part of the video aspect of the video essay. I plan on doing some upper body shots and doing it in a similar fashion to the gender roles video we watched in class. I also plan on adding some effects that aren't overwhelming and adding a slight background music that enhances the beginning of the video. This will make the video entertaining and kind of spunky.

2. The introduction is always the hardest part of the essay in my opinion. So just starting it to get the ball rolling was the toughest part of the project. I couldn't really figure out how I wanted to come at the readers and what I wanted the tone of my personal reflection to be. It was a lot of decision making that is definitely still subject to change. I'd say the successes are undetermined because I just finished it today and I need to take a break before I come back and look at my script again.