Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre.

Time To Decide

Going into production is going to be exciting, but choosing which genre I want to present my first project in is tough. Do I go with one of the new genres or the old school college essay? Well you're about to find out which genre I chose and why I decided to pick it.

Lachmann-Anke, Peggy und Marco. "Away Junction Direction Fork In The Road Decision" 11/31/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

The Decision

1. For Project 1 I have decided to use the Quick Reference Guide (QRG). I have never worked with anything like the QRG so it made me interested in testing it out on the first project. Since Project 1 is worth less in the grade book, it seems as if it is a great time to try something new. I wanted to save the Video Essay and the Podcast for later because I feel that those two will be my favorite, and I am a firm believer in saving the best for last. 

2. Genre conventions will be huge in the QRG, especially since it's a new genre that I have never used before. There were a few specific conventions that I would be focusing on primarily during this project. I think the usage of white space, paragraph break-ups, and a solid question and answer format are the keys to this essay, so those will be the main conventions that I will develop and improve in this project. These will help create a purpose in my project because if I master these aspects of the QRG, I will be able to create a project that flows well without any hiccups. The QRG is designed to flow and be easily glanced at, so making sure all of the conventions I've chosen to develop the project are key to this. These conventions can make or break my QRG.

3. I'm feeling a bit nervous for Project 1 since I have never used this form of genre before. My main challenges are to get ahead on this project, and to not fall behind like I did this week. I plan on being a work horse on Monday, and trying to finish up by Wednesday or Thursday night. That will give me a couple of days to hammer out an issues or changes that I see. It's going to be an extremely busy week, but as long as I stay on top of my work everything should work out fine.

Cluster of Stakeholders.

Who's Involved

In this blog, I'm making a cluster map to map out my Project 1 controversy. Hopefully this makes sorting out the project much easier!

McGuire, Ryan. "Argument Conflict Controversy Dispute Contention" 1/4/14 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

Explanation: In my cluster I organized the data into six separate parts, in order to separate each entity into its own category. Next I answered the questions in D2L to add further details to each person or group involved with the controversy. By doing these two I steps I have mapped out who stands for what, and how each group feel about the A & F controversy.

Link to Cluster here

Evaluation of General Sources.

Are the Sources Legit?

After picking my topic I found a few sources that go along with the controversy that I'm researching (Abercrombie and Fitch plus size controversy). Now I have to determine whether or not these sources seem legit.

Altmann, Gerd. "Road Town Sign Place Name Sign Authenticity" 9/31/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

The First Source

The first source I cam across was YouTube video from David Pakman (Link to Video). 

URL: The website ends in .com, and although itself is a reliable website, however, the content creators might not be so reliable. David Pakman's channel is verified on YouTube, which does offer some sort of promotion towards being well known, rather than being some random individual. The .com domain is never for safe nor unsafe, it just depends on the site itself.

Author: The author is David Pakman, who has an MBA from Bentley University and a BA in Economics and Communications from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Pakman has been broadcasting for about 13 years, since 2003. These are the main qualifications I could find about Pakman.

Last Updated:There are no links on the YouTube page, but on his actual channel he updates videos at least once a week. I went to his actual website and found it updated, and it contained all of his YouTube videos as well. After viewing his website, it was updated on January 29th, 2016.

Purpose: Pakman seems to be trying to inform the viewer in this video, although I feel that it can be seen as entertainment at the same time. He didn't really promote any products in the video, but does promote his website and channel in the drop down bar from the video. He just analyzed the situation and gave a run down of the resurfacing controversy (in 2013).

Graphics: The only graphics are the background of his video that is similar to anything you would see on a news broadcast. There was nothing flashy that directed the viewer's attention away from Pakman. The graphics merely serve for the purpose of being professional.

Position on Subject: Pakman does seem sort of biased, although tries to give Abercrombie and Fitch the benefit of the doubt. He sees how their idea of promoting the "cool" kids could have been a marketing idea, even though it turned out to be a very bad one. Only Pakman can profit off of these videos as there were no advertisements in the video itself (only google ads would play, but those are completely random). He is not promoting anyone but himself.

Links: No sources are cited in this video, nor in the comment section. I can not find any links that show where he found the information for this video.

The Second Source

Another source I found was from CNN (Link here).

URL: The URL is from a section of, so obviously it is a .com website. Since it is a .com it could be either an unreliable link or a reliable link, I have to further investigate to make sure it is legitimate. CNN itself is a reliable news agency, however we could possibly expect some biased information from them (sometimes not all the time).

Author: The author is Paul R. La Monica and he is a digital correspondent for CNN Money. He has been working with CNN Money since 2001, and held other jobs prior to that. He is a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, class of 1995.

Last Updated: The article itself does not list the last time it was updated, although the site itself has been updated daily. It was published on March 6th, 2015. Links on this page still work as well, as they lead to related articles or brands that help better understand the controversy.

Purpose: The purpose of this article/video is to inform the viewer that Abercrombie and Fitch's sales are plummeting, and that the ship of their company is slowly sinking. There seems to be no promotion on this page, as there are just cold hard facts about Abercrombie and Fitch's current financial standings.

Graphics: There are no graphics in this video besides the pictures of Abercrombie clothes and their rival stores such as American Eagle. These illustrate the fact that the competitors are rising above Abercrombie, and that Abercrombie is slowly withering away in the modern day fashion scene.

Position on Subject: La Monica doesn't seem very biased in this article. He simply states the facts and findings as he sees them, and doesn't beat around the bush. The only people that profit from these videos are Abercrombie's rivals. If people see that A & F's brand is sinking, almost no one will shop there anymore. It seems just to be a matter of time until they are underwater.

Links: The source does not offer any external links or further readings. The closest thing that it offers is related articles to this story, but that is about it. No sources can be found either.

Reddit and What I Found There.

The Dark Trenches of Reddit

For this blog, we are going to adventure through the unlimited amounts of Reddit posts with an emphasis on Marketing. I have to be careful, as I know my roommate can spend hours surfing Reddit. Wish me luck!

Phillips, Kevin. "Reddit Com Vote Comment Submit News Blogs Info" 10/31/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

Should I Even Be in Marketing?

The first post I came across had a plethora of information and mixed reviews about majoring in Marketing. There are two kinds of people: the haters and the go-getters. Half of the people that respond seem to do nothing but ridicule the idea of getting a degree in Marketing. The main claims are that you won't make anything out of it and that it is a worthless degree. The first thing that pops into mind is, who is this guy? It may be true of what they are saying, but then you have the go-getters.

The go-getters talk about how that if you put in the work, Marketing can be a great major with tons of opportunities. Nobody says it will be easy, but that it definitely can be done. The top comment describes it as a jack of all trades kind of degree. You learn a little bit of everything, and can become versatile once in the field. Either way, this thread provided some really good insight on the pros and cons of Marketing after college.

Link to thread here

Marketing Tips and Recommendations

Next, I explored the help forums for Marketing. One thread I found actually had multiple comments that suggest how to retain website traffic rather than losing all new viewers of the site. Throughout the post there are many ideas like this that give recommendations on how to make their site successful, even after all the advertisement is done. This thread has multiple viewpoints that give diverse answers rather than the occasional trolling done in less professional side of Reddit. Overall, Reddit gives real responses from real people, although their credibility remains uncertain.

Read the thread here

Let's Answer Some Questions

1. After researching and reading both articles, there seems to be two sides of Reddit. There is the informative and tutorial driven side such as my second article, and there is the argumentative "I'm right, you're wrong" side that exists within my first article. In my first article, people seem to be debating how well a degree in Marketing is. You're always going to have extremely negative and positive people in these types of posts, but you must find the genuine answers that aren't from the hot-headed users. The other article gave me a kind of Q & A vibe that seemed helpful for people struggling with promoting their business. I also noticed from this article and the others related to it, that a majority of marketing is done online now rather than in person. Website Marketing seems to be huge now.

2. The two debates that I found are listed above in the intro to the blog. To re-iterate why I found them interesting is because they posed two completely different sides of a website. The first article offered criticism towards a Marketing degree, the pros and cons of obtaining that degree. It was interesting because you got to read about the experience of others and you can base your own ideas off of what you read in the article. It's kind of there just to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. 

The second article was like the suggestions part of Reddit where users can provide input on how to better another's business. There seems to be no right or wrong answers in this thread, but some ideas are well liked more than others. The debate in this thread seemed to be who has the best answer to the thread's question. By using up-votes the best answer gets picked and then the resolution is solved.

3. My impression of my discipline was that it seems very conflicting. Many seem to believe that it is a great field to go into, while others have a burning hatred of it. I think because of the limitless possibilities Marketing sounds like an amazing major to me.

I was very surprised by how much this form of business takes place online. It seems as if the conventional ways of marketing are ceasing to exist. Most posts dealt with marketing tips for websites rather than other forms, which caught me a little off guard. However, this excites me because that means that a whole new world of marketing is rising, and I'll be on the edge of a new way of doing business!

Overall, it wasn't what I expected coming from Reddit. I thought it'd be less serious, but I was mistaken. Reddit appeared to have decent take on Marketing as a major and in the world.

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories.

The Agenda

Today we're going to take a peek at some articles from the popular magazines Forbes and The Economist. Our goal is to uncover some controversial findings that leave two parties either debating or conflicting with each other. Let's take a look shall we?

Netflix and...... Apple?

The word on the street is that Apple could potentially make a move to purchase Netflix for a whopping 60-70 billion dollars. Pocket change right? This has stirred up some questions from the public and from other companies, as this deal could put Apple over the top of its competitors (such as Amazon). 

Iven, William. "Macbook Apple Imac Computer Screen Laptop" 1/22/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

1. The debate at hand is whether or not Tim Cooks will jump on an amazing opportunity, or rather try to start his own brand of streaming (iStream and chill just doesn't sound as good). Another aspect is whether Apple will cough up the cash to buy Netflix. This buy-out could potentially put apple above the level where Amazon and Google are currently residing. 

2. This story is basically the author, Jay Somaney, vs. Tim Cooks. Tim Cooks was not interviewed for this so it's almost like Jay Somaney is talking to himself, and saying why Apple has to make this deal happen. How is he sympathetic? He points out several amazing reasons why Apple should do this deal. He offers praise about how Netflix could become a streaming superpower with the funds and marketing ability that Apple has. It seems as if it is a no-brainer to get this deal done.

3. Jay Somaney is also the least sympathetic character since he is the only one. Although he offers praise, he ridicules Tim Cooks' ability to put Apple in the right direction. Rather than Tim Cooks' usual approach of building from the ground upwards, Somaney believes it would be ignorant not to attempt to buy an already booming company. Somaney also calls-out Cooks' "limited foresight" towards the end of the article. His stance towards the end of the article makes me wonder if this was infromative, or a "do it, you won't" kind of jab at Tim Cooks.

You can find the article here:

More Money, More Problems

The United States is facing what could be a rough 2016 as stocks are already down 6% in the month of January. However, this year appears to be much different than others.

Altmann, Gerd. "Financial Crisis Stock Exchange Trend Symbol Arrow" 11/26/14 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

1. The debate in this article asks why the American people are spending less even though they have more money in their pockets. With lowered gas prices and increased incomes, Americans should be pumping more money into the economy rather than saving it. The main issue is that the saving percentage has gone up by about 0.6%, which is crushing what should be an easy flowing economy. JP Morgan is a mentioned bank that provides what could be an explanation for this,

2. The most sympathetic group in this article seems to be the JP Morgan research team. They have explanations that kind of  calm the reader down. Rather than being in an uproar and freaking out about the economy, they provide explanations to the lack of spending. For example, this has been a wet year in terms of climate and restaurant sales have gone down almost 2%. It's not necessarily sympathetic, but it's as close to sympathy as this story gets. It's more of a "here's the facts" kind of article.

3. The least sympathetic individual is the author. The author kind of slips in the idea that the concern of Americans is a gloomy headline regarding the economic status of the country. Throughout the article the author just lists facts of the stagnant U.S. economy, without offering much emotion behind his/her words. The author is unknown in this article so we are not able to dig up economic views or anything that could lead to an unemotional post. Perhaps they tried to remain unbiased until the last sentence, but we can't be sure of that. If they would have provided a little more of their own view, it could have been easier to sympathize with the author.

Find the article here:

The Economist Article

Twitter and What I Found There.

Does Twitter Have a Say In the Marketing World?

As much as I'd love to highlight the Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose shenanigans, we're instead going to check out how marketing professionals use Twitter and why they use Twitter.

Phillips, Kevin. "Twitter Tweet Internet Social Web Network Media" 12/31/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

The Marketing Guy

I started off by checking out the easiest way to find marketing content by going to the @Marketing Twitter Page. First thing that hits me is the fact that this guy tweets out links to marketing strategies and all that stuff. This guy obviously knows a thing or two about marketing, as he's getting the websites of various companies out to his 38,500 followers. 


I stumbled upon another page on Twitter (@MarketingUK) that happens to be a magazine for marketing professionals. This page seems to be like most of the other pages I've scrolled through, containing links to its own website and stories that attract the viewer. The marketing scene on Twitter doesn't seem to communicative, but rather more along the lines of "click here and read this on my site so I can make money off of ads." This is just an observation and inference, it may not always be the case.

The Answers We Want

1. From what I can tell, marketing is all about promotion on Twitter (I would have never guessed). Most pages provide links to stories that discuss popular trends and epidemics. One epidemic I came across was a link from MarketingUK which led to an article about obesity (article found here). The Marketing Guy was the same way, he just used his page for promotion of other articles. Unless I just had bad luck finding more interesting Twitter accounts, and didn't dig as deep as I possibly could. The problem with searching for marketing on Twitter is that all the accounts are built as a service rather than to provide information. I could see a science Twitter page being heavily debated, but the ones involving marketing are pretty dry.

2. I'm going to be straight up with this. I couldn't find any arguing or compelling Twitter accounts. Twitter is so flooded with advertisement in this day and age, it doesn't even seem like social media anymore. I feel as if the site is becoming a billboard on the internet rather than a place to discuss your opinions, unless you're a radical individual like my step-grandma who actually is voting for Donald Trump (I apologize in advance). The only people that seem to argue on Twitter are brainless and usually don't know what they're talking about. Once again, I feel like the scientific community would be way different, but this is directed towards anything business related. Even Warren Buffet's Twitter is simply promotion, there's no controversy on his account. If you want to see two examples, you can refer to @Marketing or @MarketingUK and see what I'm talking about.

3. I learned a lot from both Twitter posts. I realized that marketing literally is what it is, and Twitter is just a tool for people in that job discipline to do their job. I kind of expected this though. Since we live in a world where you can literally advertise on everything, it came to no surprise that this is what most of the accounts are used for. Another aspect that I learned is how to get revenue from these tweets. By linking these sites through a certain link type, these people actually earn money when you click on the links (like for example).Another thing I learned about is that there was no common theme to these users. It was just random promotion and random stories that were uploaded to their Twitter pages.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories.

What's Happening In the World Around Us?

Today we're going to be diving into some business and health related articles via The New York Times.

The Biz

In recent news, Facebook has banned the private sales of guns on its internet site. The private sale of guns is a way to get around the background checking system that states have for the purchasing of weapons.

Steinberger, Simon. "Facebook Mouse Cursor Mouse Pointer Logo" 1/29/13 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

The Gist of the Story

1. Facebook is the star in this news story. Whether they are perceived as the villain or the hero is totally at the reader's discretion, but that's for your judgement. The spotlight is put on Facebook as they jump into a political and business oriented debate. Will they lose users of the site? Honestly I think that having a few thousands of users gone won't hurt their 1.6 billion monthly views. Facebook may be playing a larger part in their view on gun control, which could be used for political propaganda in the upcoming elections.

2. In this article there is no physical setting, but rather an internet setting. It takes place on Facebook, rather than in the world at a location. This influences the individuals involved because most Facebook users that actually use the site for selling weapons are going to be in the pre-retirement age of people (less than 65), yet not the users who are relatively young (18 and younger). Rather than a physical conflict, this creates a conflict over the web that users really have no control over. Facebook seems to be at the helm of the ship due to this setting.

3. Although there seems to be no debate in the story, there was an urge from a group called Everytown For Gun Safety that pressured Facebook into enacting this new policy. With statistics and information from Everytown, it was decided that the idea of banning gun sales over Facebook was a pretty smart idea.

Find the article here:

Who Needs Health?

What's popular concerning the world's health? Two words for you: Zika Virus.

We Have a Cure Right?

Eh, that's a big, fat no. Also, this virus is spread by these little guys below:

"Mosquito Insect Macro Biology Animal Nature Bug" 12/10/14 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

1. The main character in this article seems to be the "researchers" that are mentioned. We aren't given a clear definition of who these people are, but I feel like any health story is always focused on what the researchers do. Jesse Goodman, Anthony Fauci and Carolina Batista are the doctors that are mentioned throughout the article. The doctors provided kind of generic quotes that you'd expect in a situation like this. "We should not wait for the crisis to come and then start." was quoted by Doctor Batista. After reading this several times it's kind of like a "you don't say?" kind of reaction (at least from me). However, the researches definitely play a role as the people we rely on to do the work, as we read over this article and seem to care, even though in reality no one cares until it affects someone we know.

2. The story is taking place in Brazil, and most of Latin America. Although it isn't specifically stated, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's in the poorer parts of the countries. It's kind of sad that parts of the world still live in poverty and can't seem to defend themselves against the most annoying pests in the world (mosquitoes). So this plot makes all the people in first world countries think that all hell is going to break loose. Then they walk into their bedroom that is fully protected and poses almost zero risk of this disease. The plot will play out by a bunch of activists trying to provide support, and in the end everyone will forget about it because it really doesn't matter to most people in economically stable countries that control the media. The setting is also the usually area of expertise for the researchers (poor countries).

3. There seems to be no debate or argument in this article at all. The only question posed was whether companies would mass produce any drugs that could potentially be a cure. That's kind of scary knowing that these drug producing companies can control epidemics.

If you'd like to read more in-depth here's the article:

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

Concerns about the four major projects:
I am extremely nervous about project two due to the fact that research intensive projects have always been a weakness of mine. Research projects in the past have always seemed overwhelming to me, like the feeling of being buried with work to do. This always brings out my inner procrastinator. Hopefully I will be able to overcome this weakness and become better at the research process.

What I'm looking forward to concerning the projects:
I can't wait to do both project three and the final project. Project three seems like it presents an awesome opportunity to voice an opinion and really test my writing ability (or presentation ability). This project seems like a great opportunity to really investigate a social issue as well, so a great learning experience will go hand in hand with this project. I have always enjoyed stretching the boundaries in my English classes, as I feel that it is the best environment to do so. 

The final project is also intriguing because I'm excited to see how far I will come as a writer and speaker this semester. Hopefully I will evolve as an individual in terms of character along with academics. Anything that will make me grow into a better version of my self will be great to revisit and look back on at the end of the semester. I also hope to expand my variety of thinking and to go out of my comfort zone this semester, which should make for a fun final project.

Planning and time management:
The projects that are research-intensive are going to require a lot of planning. Planning is not my strong suit, so I will have to adjust my time to compensate for the work that goes into planning. Another aspect that requires planning is evenly sorting out classes and allocating time to completing the requirements for each. There are a multitude of steps to each project, so I need be able to plan ahead by reviewing my week's work every Sunday. My time management skills will be tested due to the fact that I plan on getting involved beyond the class room. If English 109H requires six hours a week worth of work, I will have to bend the times dedicated to outside activities accordingly.

Username: Security. "Alarm Clock Clock Time Minute Hour Arouse Bimmeln" 1/7/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

How high school prepared me for this, including prior skills:
The one skill that I bring from high school is to think independently and outside of the box. Going into my freshman year of high school my brain operated like a to do list. I did exactly as I was told to ensure I receive a great score. I never wrote to express ideas or to get involved with what my assignments entailed. This all changed when my English teacher freshman year challenged me to go outside my comfort zone. This is the main skill that I feel has prepared me not only for these projects, but for college itself.

Confusions about the project:
As of now I think my questions about the projects have been answered, but I will update this post if anything changes!

Eren and Bianca's posts were very similar to mine. They were both centered around the idea that time management is extremely important and I could not agree more. Seeing other people's excitement about exploring the different genres has also made me very excited to work on the upcoming projects. I feel a little overwhelmed, but as long as I do the work one day at a time I should be successful in English 109H.

Investigating Genres - The Video Essay

1. What purpose does this genre serve?

The Video Essay serves the purpose of informing an audience about a topic or issue through the use of a video presentation. The video can be set-up in a multitude of different styles. Popular forms of Video Essays include the interview, the voice over, and presentation formats. These styles contribute to the video's purpose, which is to engage the viewer in a visual way of learning about an issue or an idea. Rather than communicating in one dimension, the video provides two significant dimensions: voice and image. This seems to be more effective compared to a newspaper that is just used to pass the time.
Willson, Joshua. "Clapper Board Clapper Movie Film Board Cinema" 11/3/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License

2. Where, how or in what context do readers usually find this genre?

This context is typically found on Internet media sites such as YouTube, however, this genre can exist almost anywhere on the Internet. These videos typically come as a response to an idea or occurrence that recently took place. They can also be used to express an idea or to understand someone better than before. Another aspect of this genre is that it became relatively popular in recent times due to the expansion of social media and the ability to voice an idea over the internet with great quality.

3. Who is the typical audience?

The audience for this genre can be almost anyone. With the power of google, any individual that has access to the internet can search any given topic or issue. Anyone incapable of using the Internet may have trouble viewing this genre. In this day and age, almost anyone is a click away from whatever it is that they are searching for.

4. What distinguishes this genre from others?

I think the fact that this is a VIDEO genre separates itself from the other types of text. Whenever you have the ability to view how the author read or explained a piece of information, you can obtain a better understanding of the idea they are trying to get across. It can be difficult to detect how a write or author sounded when simply reading a text, which can lead to misinterpretation of the idea they tried to convey. The video genre distinguishes itself from the podcast because you can sense their emotion through facial expressions. Sometimes a voice can leave behind the true meaning of what the speaker intends.

5. Definition of the Video Essay

The Video Essay- Expression of an idea that stimulates the viewer's visual and listening abilities in order to inform, educate or entertain the spectator.

Reflection: Both Mariana and Missy's blog posts offered very informative points on the quick reference guide (qrg) and the video essay. The quick reference guide seems to be a great way to present unbiased information that focuses on research. To create a very organized and informative piece, the qrg seems to work well. The video essay blog reinforced my own blog's thoughts. It allows the author to display emotion through vision, which can play a large role in getting a theme or idea across. It made me realize that this genre will work extremely well when discussing a topic that I am truly passionate about.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Writing Process

1. What type of writer do you consider yourself to be?

My writing style is comparable to an artist who specializes in throwing paint at a canvas to create an abstract picture. I typically write with emotion, which leads to unorganized thoughts and ideas all over my writing piece. To create a writing product that is sufficient for public viewing I spend hours of revising and editing my work.

Peters, Cassie. "Abstract Paint Play Mess Up" 8/30/10 via deviantart. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

2. Does your writing process include several different processes?

Without a doubt I am the heavy reviser with a touch of the procrastinator. These two writing types typically don't work well together as my revisions take a very long time to complete. My goal this semester is to hopefully erase my procrastination style (as I do this assignment the day before it is due), because it only hurts rather than helps. I like to believe that I have a lot of ideas that are meant to be heard, but conveying them in a fluid, flowing format often forms a challenge for myself.

3. Does your writing process seem to be successful?

My heavily revising writing type can both benefit and harm the ideas that I try to portray. Since most of my thoughts are random and just come to my head in an instant, I sometimes have trouble staying on track with whatever I am writing about. Add this issue with some procrastination and then you have a recipe for destruction. A strength of being a heavy reviser would be that I know if I carefully reread my paper multiple times, that I am putting out my best work possible. I have always lived by the idea that if you don't do something with 100 percent effort, it isn't worth doing at all.

4. Would it be beneficial to try a different approach?

If I could adapt to a heavy planning type of approach, I think my writing would benefit tremendously. If I could plan my ideas more efficiently rather than rely on spur of the moment ideas, I think it would result in a more efficient writing process for myself. Rather than spending a long amount of time trying to rearrange my thoughts and ideas, I would be able to have my ideas written down and ready to go in the order that they should be. It would also cut out the information that isn't necessary or fit for the writing piece itself.