Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Yikes the conclusion sucked too

Yeah we're back again with another blog post that displays how sub-par my rough draft was compared to my final edition of my project. Let's check it out!

The rough cut of the outro

Here is a link to the outro of the rough-cut of my podcast. The link will take you to the another blog post, so just click the play button and try not to judge me too much.

My attempt at making it less bad

Here is a link to a YouTube video that contains my project. Go to the from 6:56-7:44 for the outro of my project, and enjoy!

Bring on the questions

1.  The content change for my outro was extremely significant. I better displayed the information at the end of the podcast and I summed up my points extremely well too. In the original cut I was extremely vague, but in my final cut I was able to strike all of the points that I wanted the listeners to understand. Also I can mention the microphone quality again, and how it is 1000 times better than that of the quality in the rough-cut. These factors allowed me to effectively get my points across to the listener in a relaxing way.

2. The form is similar to that of the intro. I had outro music that kind of establishes the finish line in my project, so now my audience kind of knows when to expect the podcast to come to an end, rather than it being an extremely abrupt ending. This simple touch-up allows the information to be communicated more effectively because it's a clear conclusion that sums up the project, which can be identified by the outro music used.

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