Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Nick Hernandez

Let's See What Nick's Up to

In this blog we're going to look at Nick Hernandez's standard college essay, and try to help him out in the editing process. You can find his rough draft here. The title of the essay is Genres of Finance.

What are we editing?

I'm going to be reviewing Nick's content in this blog post, so hopefully we can help spice up Nick's essay.

On to the details:

How did I help Nick?

I helped Nick by providing insight on how to cite better, to ensure that his essay is properly cited. The hard part of that was how to cite the interviews, but that shouldn't be a problem anymore. I think I also put Nick in the right direction by mentioning to display the effectiveness of ethos, logos, and pathos more than he already had. These should help better his essay and also hopefully boost his grade a bit.

Student's Guide?

I really hit the head on the nail with the use of sources category. Not only did I mention how to cite, but I also gave him suggestions on how to go and cite certain things in order to give his essay more of a flow. In the end it just matters about how he wants it to be perceived. 

One thing that I admired? 

I really admired Nick's attention to detail in his essay. He gave thorough explanations that made it very interesting to read about, which I feel is something I need to get better at. Hopefully I'll be able to incorporate how he wrote, in my upcoming essay for the next project.

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