Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on the Week Thus Far

We Came, We Saw, We Kept Planning

This week has been super plan heavy, and now I can sit back and think about what went right and what went wrong. Let's dive in!

The Deadline Recap

The Successes?

I think the overall planning went extremely well for this project. Before going in and mapping out what I was going to be doing for next week, I was completely lost. Then the new blogs were picked to be used and now I feel like I have an idea of where my project is going. Even the little things such as planning out WHERE I will be doing each part of the project helped tremendously. It gives me a way to keep myself accountable, even though it may sound silly. It's like now I know exactly what I'm working on and all aspects of it too (really love the new blog format Sean, thank you so much for listening to the class).

The Challenges?

I think the toughest part was starting the content outline. It was tough to get the ball rolling initially, and just took a little thought about the purpose of each body paragraph, the evidence, and all that jazz. In the end it was tough to get them all to piece together, but eventually it all seemed to workout. I feel like the biggest challenges have helped me learn the most about my project so far.

How does next week look?

Next week is coming up quick, but after all of the planning I feel that it won't be too bad. The production schedule cleared up a lot of everything that's coming up project wise. The blog posts don't look daunting either. Now that everything is pretty project focused I think that no time will be wasted making the best project possible. According to next week's schedule, the only thing that looks time consuming is the production report. In class Sean stated how it keeps us in check, so I think it'll only help me rather than hurt me. Hoping for a great production week!

How does Jake Gyles feel about the project so far?

So far I'm feeling pretty good about this project. The deadline 6 stuff had me spinning and confused, but this week's work put me back on track. I can't wait to get recording though, I really want to see how this podcast turns out. It's super new to me, as I've never really done solely a podcast before. To stay with the question, I'm feeling great at this point in time, in class and out of class. I felt overwhelmed recently but the stress is gradually releasing. I can't think of anything else to put, I'm anxious to get this show on the road!

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