Monday, May 2, 2016

Peer Review 15 for Nick Hernandez

What's Nick up to?

In this blog we are going to be looking at Nick's QRG.

The Preliminary Stuff

So we are peer reviewing Nick Hernandez's QRG called What a Year it Has Been which can be found here.

In this I will be suggesting a form edit for his QRG.

Down to Business!

1. I helped Nick with his feedback by explaining the hyperlink issue. He had some facts that needed referencing in order to deem Nick as a credible source. I think this will give him the last bit of form he needs on his QRG to put his work over the top.

2. I incorporated the organization aspect into Nick's review. I basically told him that he should shift around the images to give it more of QRG look than a collage kind of look. I think this will help him get even more points in the form category.

3. I admired Nick's style of QRG. He spent a lot of time actually giving his QRG a fun kind of look that makes it warming and easy to read. It's always tough to make everything you do look nice, but I think Nick nailed it on this one. I will definitely be incorporating this into my future works over the next few years.

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