Further Journal Analysis
In this post we are going to further explore the genres utilized in the academic journal from the previous blog post.
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Macou, Jacqueline. "Magazines Reading Journals Newspapers Stack" 1/28/16 via pixabay. Creative Commons 0 Public Domain License |
Let's go deeper
Alright from what I can tell there's a few sub-genres in this article. One article we're going to call the "Math Beyond Me" section (MBM), this article is called "Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Wealth" and it includes a sciency/math genre that gives formulas for explanations. Another genre is the "Look at the Pretty Pictures" section (LPP), which is called "The Effectiveness of Customer Participation in New Product Development" which contains a lot of graphs and diagrams. The third genre found is the "Wall of Text" section (WoT), which is called "When Does (Mis)Fit in Customer Orientation Matter for Frontline Employees' Job Satisfaction and Performance" which contains an overwhelming amount of text with little white space.
I answered questions 1 and 2 in the last one, but I'll elaborate more on question 2 as to why I chose the name. MBM is the way it is because one article revolves around a ton of formulas involving Greek letters that may be unknown to the common population, but not to people in Marketing. LPP refers to the article that contains a ton of graphs and diagrams that show specific studies in a visual aspect. The WoT article just tells a long tale of study using more words than anyone actually wants to read, but they're there to make you feel better about yourself. All of these are easily distinguishable, it pops when seen. I don't think images are necessary as the description seems to really help hit the head on the nail.
Definitions of the new genres:
MBM- A genre used to show statistics and data through mathematical interfaces in order to show trends and further analyze data at a mathematical level. The purpose of this is to provide cranked out stats using math in order to better explain a situation. Target audience includes those well know and acquainted to the subject of Marketing that can follow the formulas used.
LPP- A genre used to easily show data to the audience in order to display trends of an observation or study. The purpose of this genre is to provide data to the audience that isn't extremely familiar to the information, and it brings down the learning curve quite a bit. Intended for Marketing professionals, and maybe novices that are new to the field.
WoT- This one is self-explanatory. A genre that has an overwhelming amount of information that makes the reader contemplate the cost benefit of sleeping versus learning. Don't get me wrong the content might be good, but the way it's presented is pretty rough. The purpose is to inform in a way of words. The target audience has to be professionals in the Marketing field, or some random souls that are just really interested in Marketing.
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