Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Avalon Lubera

Let's what Avalon's got!

This post is dedicated as a review for Avalon's essay!

Let's begin

Drug Decriminalization: Dangerous or Desirable for the United States? by Avalon Lubera can be found here.

comment found here.

I will be doing a re-design recommendation for Avalon's project.

Down to the important stuff

1. I made Avalon's work better by promoting the usage of better sources. I had never heard of some of the stuff she was talking about, so I had to step into the gauntlet of the fearless internet to see where she got her information from. They were a little sketchy, but sometimes you just got to trust the process. I loved it though, A1.

2. I incorporated the students guide because I helped Avalon with her credibility in her paper. If she isn't credible she is going to lose mad ethos points. Come on girl, we gotta get you back up to par with this project. If you can find a source from the FDA or a major government organization, then you will be golden.

3. I admired the overall concept of Avalon's work. I can tell she has so much passion for information on drugs, it was truly astounding. I think I could harness this raw passion and create a beast of a project. I will forever be in debt to Avalon's passion, it was truly an incredible experience. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jake - sorry, this has nothing to do with your review, but I am actually trying to return a Bible! Avalon Lubera's name is on it & this review came up when I googled her name. I'm in Prescott Valley & I suspect she left it at our church years ago. Any way you could pass my email to her? It's Thank you, Dan
