Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

The Review for Emily

In this blog post, I'm going to be reviewing Emily Bond's main body from her production report 11a (no title) found here.

Let's Analyze

For Emily's QRG, I edited her form.

How'd I make it better?

I think I made Emily's work better by offering ideas on how to make the QRG look more like a QRG. In her rough cut she offers no media, which makes it come off almost as a Standard College Essay. This is a huge red flag for the QRG as it's supposed to be easy on the eyes, and be something that you can navigate through easily. The lack of media also led to a lack of white space which is another big no no for the QRG. So I offered her suggestions on how to battle this, and I think she's a few easy edits away from making her body section great.

Student's guide incorporation?

I incorporated the organization section from the student's guide into the editing of Emily's QRG. As I stated before, white space is a big part of the QRG. I offered suggestions for her to move around the text by inserting images and by adding bullet points and other conventions of the QRG. I also praised Emily for her use of sources through hyperlinks. She utilized the hyperlinks very well, so I made sure to let her know that!

One thing I admired?

I admired how to the point that Emily was. She didn't throw in any unnecessary text that can bore the reader, which allowed her to get her main points across efficiently. Sometimes I get anxiety about how short a section is so I'll add fluff that creates a negative impact on my work. I will try to reflect Emily's straightforwardness in my own project to create the same effect that she did!

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