Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production Phase 1

How'd the week go?

In this blog I'll be explaining what exactly took place this week, and what I can expect to see for next week.

Onward to the questions

1. Successes this week consisted of actually getting my project done. I may have a lot more work to do, dealing with touching it up, but the main part is over with. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, as the entire project seemed to flow together nicely and effectively. Another thing that went right this week was the inclusion of the sources. I felt that I utilized all of my sources pretty effectively. This boosted my credibility tremendously.

2. The challenges of this week were just doing the work. To be completely honest I'm burnt out from school. The past 61 blogs have kicked my ass, and my other classes are starting to get to me as well. One thing that was a challenge in this paper was citing sources. In high school they always drilled citation rules into us, but it was always within a week. It was never consistently taught so I have troubles there.

3. Next week is going to be very stressful, I actually have anxiety just thinking about it. I have to get my projects and work done during the week because I will be gone all of next weekend on a retreat. So the amount of time to finish my entire project got squeezed into about 4ish days rather than 7. So my main focus for next week is to cut out my procrastination and to be on top of my game for this project. The end of the year is coming up super fast, so it's going to be a rough week.

4. Right now I'm feeling iffy about my project. The content is there, but my citations are not the best. I still have a lot of editorial work to do, but at least the bulk of the work is done. I'm going to try and hammer out the details and the small stuff on Monday, and then hopefully finish it up come Wednesday. I think the percentage that this project is worth also creates worry in me. I have to get over the stresses and just push through.

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