Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Barnett

The standard college essay

In this post, we are going to be reviewing Ben Barnett's standard college essay excerpt.

Let the Editing begin

Name and Title: Ben Barnett and no title given (Editorial 12b) 

Type of edit: Content

Where: Ben Barnett's post can be found here

How did I help Ben:

I helped Ben's project by offering him better ways to present his information. As of right now his content is kind of choppy and not very well put together. The information is there, but I think how it is presented is what needs to be touched up on. Once he restructures his sentences and makes the flow better (they're like bullet points right now), Ben will be in great shape with his project.

Student's Guide Incorporation:

I think the aspect I helped with was the organizational part from the student's guide. I believe that by restructuring the sentences and moving them around in his paragraph, Ben will improve his work tremendously. This will make his purpose more effective, and he'll be able to present a better argument in his standard college essay.

One thing that I admired:

I admired the rational thought that Ben used in the excerpt from his piece. He was very level headed and wasn't trying to shove a radical idea down my throat. By using this type of tone and this writing style, I think Ben's paper will come off as very eloquently written, which I would like to put into my paper. I want to come off as rational with could intentions, and a reasonable argument that all parties will be able to listen to.

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